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The next phase of The Cornhill Quarter regeneration


Exciting new proposals

Thank you for taking the time to visit our consultation website.

Plans for the next phase of development in the Cornhill Quarter have recently been submitted to City of Lincoln Council. The proposals aim to deliver further investment into the city centre through a flagship McCarthy Stone development, providing specialist accommodation for older people, and a new 150-bedroom hotel.

The developments, proposed for the former City Square Centre site, on the corner of Sincil Street and Waterside South, have undergone an extensive design process and represent a significant investment for Lincoln

McCarthy Stone has submitted their proposal to City of Lincoln Council as a full planning application. Where as Lincolnshire Co-op has submitted theirĀ  proposals for a 150-bedroom hotel as an outline planning application, and if permission is granted, they will engage in the search for potential operators.

You can learn about both the hotel and residential development on this website by visiting the McCarthy Stone Virtual Consultation and Hotel Virtual Consultation.

Project status

Both planning applications have now been submitted to City of Lincoln Council and will be determined by the authority in the coming months.

To view the submitted plans and make formal comments, you can visit:

McCarthy Stone’s full planning application: 2022/0128/FUL

Hotel outline application: 2022/0159/OUT

We welcome you to consider the submitted plans and to let the council know what you think!

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